Lion Tales, Chapter 0 - The New Arrivals

With Keith's planning and Allura's approval, additional Lion Pilots and castle staff are welcomed into the fold.  The result is one rather interesting Orientation Week.

Meet Team Two

Votron Force, Team Two, l to r: Alan, Tasia, Dexter, Galen, Dunkirk.

Voltron Force, Team two, l to r: Alan Zruppek, pilot of Blue Lion; Tasia Mallory, pilot of Red Lion; Dexter Stiles, pilot of Black Lion and Captain of Team Two; Galen Tiel, pilot of Green Lion; Fenton Dunkirk, pilot of Yellow Lion.

The Team Two Story, in a Nutshell: Keith sets up a competition to select a back-up team, which will be available to fly the Lions in times of emergency and generally help take the load off of the original team's 24/7 obligation.  Dexter and company are the ones who win the contest and get the semi-official title of Team Two.  They make their first official appearance here in The New Arrivals, get a taste of action in the revised Personal Demons and the story of how they came to be where they are is described via Dexter's flashback in Heart of the Defender.  Right now all those stories are being revamped, so they aren't available at this time.  But they are coming soon, along with the other chapters described on the Lion Tales home page.  In the meantime, you can get an idea of how they fit into my translation of the Voltron universe by reading the story that follows.  I hope you enjoy it.

To The New Arrivals: Day 1
Back to Lion Tales

Lion Tales is Copyright © 2000 Guatemala Joe Studios.
"Voltron, Defender of the Universe" and its characters are ©1984 World Events Productions, Ltd.  This story is for entertainment purposes only.
E-mail: Zejan the Wonder Monkey