“Good morning, Keith.” Coran walks up to the command platform and comes to a stop right beside my chair. He takes a moment to read the transmission I’m receiving from over my shoulder. “What’s this about?”
“This is being sent up from Intelligence. It’s a Drule communication we received from Pollux. Caroline’s doing the translating as we speak.”
“I see.” He begins to read the message aloud. “Commander Cossack due to return to post, special cargo concerning the rebel situation to be dispensed in the Commander’s territory upon arrival?”
“This was sent to Avok from his people on Marlowe. They intercepted the transmission early yesterday morning, and Avok had it sent to us since he knows we have a very good interpreter available.” I tap a finger absently against my chin. “But it does seem a little odd that he needs our help when Pollux was a Drule-occupied world during his father’s cooperation with Zarkon.”
“Yes, but just because they were there doesn’t mean the locals learned to speak Drulish. The language barrier is one of the most effective when it comes to preventing the spread of information. Zarkon probably limited the teaching of his language for that very reason.” Coran continues to read. “Cossack has transports things back to forth to Doom all the time. I wonder why this particular incident is so important.”
“Avok’s operatives think there’s a strong possibility that Prince Zelaniel and his sister Aria were counted among the captives. That’s why they want a translation, to see if they’re mentioned anywhere in this communication. But I was under the belief that all the royal family was killed in that so-called ‘accident’ involving the King’s flagship some time ago.”
“I was too - it was certainly Lotor’s intention, anyway. I’ll see if I can get some background details of that incident from our archives.”
I lean back in the chair. “Avok has been keeping close tabs on Marlowe for a while now. I have a feeling that’s the world he wants to free next.”
Coran frowns. “That’s a terribly ambitious move, Keith. Marlowe is one of Lotor’s chief sources of lazon. His defense forces there are formidable. While I have to applaud His Majesty for his recent victory with Breve, I think Marlowe may prove to be just a bit more than he can handle at this point in time.”
“That’s never stopped him before.”
“I know, but with the alliance between our two worlds being what it is, I have the feeling he would appeal to us for aid if he started the fight and things turned against him. I would feel much better about this if he acted with a little more caution in mind. I’d like to have a look at that information myself once it’s been translated.” He falls silent then, looking distracted about something that’s obviously bothering him a great deal. I take note of the concerned expression on his face.
“Something else wrong, Coran?”
“I don’t know for certain.” He drums his fingers on the back of my chair. “When was the last time you spoke with Allura, pray tell?”
“Just yesterday morning, at Lion practice.”
“Did she seem to be behaving oddly at all to you?”
“No. Why do you ask?”
“There’s something about her behavior that’s been troubling me as of late, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
“Well, I can try speaking to her when the opportunity arises. And if that doesn’t work, I think I might be able to get Tasia to talk to her. The two of them seem to be pretty tight.”
“Tight?” Coran’s brow furrows in consternation.
Oops. I keep forgetting that he’s not always on top of our slang. “Umm, they’re close. Like this.” I hold up my hand with the first two fingers crossed.
Now he understands. He nods and rubs at his mustache. “Yes, I’ve noticed that. Allura seems to hold Tasia in very high confidence. Good luck with your mission and keep me informed. I’d appreciate it.”
Coran leaves the room. I try to think of any unusual behavior that Allura’s been demonstrating lately, but nothing comes to mind immediately. It’s still very early in the day, though. Maybe I could try talking to her in my new office.
“Keith, there’s something I’d like to say to you…” I wring my hands and fidget a little where I stand in front of his desk. He turns away from his computer terminal to give me a warm smile that makes my belly flutter.
“Sure, Princess. What’s the matter?”
“You know, you and I have been through a lot together since you and your friends arrived on Arus, and I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a very long time...”
His smile fades and his expression turns serious as he interlaces his fingers and fold his hands in his lap. “Okay, I’m listening. Go right ahead.”
“I’m really grateful to you for your loyalty and dedication all these many years, and I want you to know that I - I care about you very much...” I gnaw at my lip and glance at the floor before meeting his gaze. He’s smiling again when I look up.
“Why, that’s great, Allura. I feel the same way about you too. I always have. Wanna make love on my desk?” His smile widens considerably.
I swallow tightly as I gawk at him. “Are you serious?”
“Of course I am. Let’s do it - right here and now.” He sends his pens, papers, paperweight and lamp tumbling to the floor with a broad sweep of his arm. “Go lock the door.”
“Oooh, okay.” I hurry over to secure the door and skip back to sit on the edge of the desk. He bounds out of his chair and tugs his shirt off as he rounds the corner of it. I hold my arms out to him and he steps in between my legs, leaning me back and kissing me with playful passion in each touch of his lips. His hair slips through my fingers like strands of silk.
“Allura?” Nanny’s voice comes from the hallway. “Allura...what are you doing in there?” Her fist pounds the door. “Allura…?”
I ignore her inquiry, my attention focused completely on the man I hold wrapped in my embrace. His lips brush my throat, feather light. I whisper his name softly as my fingers massage the nape of his neck. Nanny is still pounding at the door...
“Allura…Allura! Wake up, child!”
“Oh!” I sit upright and squint at the brightness of my room as Nanny yanks the curtains open. Then she crosses the floor to approach my walk-in closet. She retrieves my pink gown and drapes it over the foot of my bed. “Your bath is ready. Have you forgotten your meeting this morning?”
“No, Nanny, I haven’t.” I crawl out of bed and stretch slowly. Curse Nanny and her timing. Keith and I never get any further than kissing in my dream when she shows up. I ought to talk to Shannon about changing the code to the door so I could sleep in a little late for once.
“How wonderful that those new Lion pilots will be formally sworn in as official members of the Voltron Force today.” Nanny sets a pair of my shoes on the floor near the bed. “All we need now is a new Blue Lion pilot to take your place, and we’ll never have to worry about you being in that awful thing ever again.”
“Yes, that’s simply wonderful,” I mutter as I head into the bathroom. I slip out of my nightgown and settle into the hot water with a sigh. Once the bath is over and done with, the royal hairdresser shows up to work on my hair. I take breakfast in my room this time since I have to head straight to the meeting hall once I’m ready. Nanny fusses over every fold of my gown before I leave. Guards and servants in the corridors bow to me as I pass them by. When I reach the door to Keith’s office, I pause and smile at it. If only dreams could come true…
The thought sours my mood immediately. Of course it’ll never come true, not while there’s a chasm of titles and traditions and any other such nonsense that can be scraped together to keep us separated. But if Aldar and Theadra could build a bridge to overcome their obstacles, we can too. It’ll take much more than thrown stones and lots of wishing, but I believe it can be done.
A guard standing by the door to the meeting hall announces my arrival loudly as I enter the room. Everyone present rises to their feet immediately. Coran pulls out my chair for me as I approach. I take a moment to study the new faces present as they all take their seats. It’s only been a month since the new backup pilots assumed their posts, and Coran has given them nothing but praise. Unfortunately, they really have been doing as well as he says, so when he suggested that their final approval be made sooner, I couldn’t find any reason to disagree. The end of what precious little freedom I had to myself from being a member of the team is drawing near. The net is closing around me, slowly but surely, and there isn’t much I can do.
“Good Morning, everyone,” Coran says smoothly. “As you know, we have many new members to be added to the roster of the Voltron Force. For the past month they have been serving as alternatives, allowing for more flexibility in the operation and deployment of Voltron…”
I glance Alan’s way. He gives me a slight smile in return. To think that he came so close to becoming my husband not very long ago. I’m so glad it didn’t happen. It’s not that he’s a bad person, but he just isn’t the one I want. We both knew that. And to think that Coran’s plans were foiled in the simplest way one could imagine. Alan lost his chance to become King of Arus because of a few ounces of alcohol. I think if I ever see that bottle of Scotch I’ll pick it up and kiss it. I wonder what Dunkirk would think of that.
“A trial period, of at least three months but no longer than six, was designated as a set time to evaluate both the feasibility of the new rotation schedule, and the capability of the new personnel themselves…”
Dexter is nudging Tasia very gently with his arm, but she seems to be focused on Coran’s speech and she’s not paying any attention to him. He slips his right hand under the table, and Tasia gives a quiet little squeal and jumps in her chair. She gives Dexter an irritated look. He waggles his eyebrows and grins back at her. Tasia’s mood lightens and they begin to whisper to each other.
“However, after Captain McLachlan and I reviewed the results for the past month, it was decided that no further time needs to be spent on evaluation. We both agree that the new arrangements are entirely satisfactory and may be implemented without delay…”
Keith is sitting quietly, his hands folded in front of him on the table. His features are stony calm. I have no idea of what could be on his mind right now. Lance, however, is making his opinion on the proceedings clear with a roll of his eyes and a bored sigh as he rests his chin in his hand. I turn my attention back to Keith. His expression hasn’t changed. I wonder what sort of look he would get on his face if I could sneak my hand under the table like Dexter did with Tasia…
“Princess, shall we begin?” Coran asks quietly. I snap my head around to blink at him.
“Hmm? Oh yes, of course.” I draw a breath and interlace my fingers. “Since the trial period is now officially over, the final step of the process is for all the new personnel, both civilian and military, to be officially acknowledged as members of the castle staff. The documents have all been prepared, so the only thing left to do now is to have a formal public ceremony to welcome the new -”
I take notice of the sleeves of my dress, and it makes me stop and frown at myself. New pilots, new staff, but here I am still running around in the same old gown, still held to the same old traditions, the same little old princess in pink. I look like I belong in the Castle Museum with all the other fairy-tale displays.
The room is quiet. I look up to see everyone staring in my direction with an entire range of emotions on their faces, from Galen’s worry to Lance’s arched eyebrow to Dexter’s thoughtful frown. Even Keith’s expression has changed from neutral to mild concern.
“Allura?” Coran whispers to me. “What’s the matter? You’ve stopped in the middle of your speech.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” I rise to my feet and address the group. “In short, the process is complete, you’re all in and it’s party time. Welcome to Castle Arus. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
I turn and head for the door with quiet murmuring following in my wake. I don’t get very far down the corridor before I hear footsteps following me.
“Princess...?” Keith says. His tone is hesitant. When I stop and turn to face him, I can see the concern in his eyes has turned into worry. I wait for him to continue. He rubs at the back of his head as he ponders what to say next.
“Umm...Coran asked me to come and see what the matter was. Is there...can I help you with anything?”
Very clever, Coran. You try to keep Keith at arm’s length from me any other time, but you know I’m most likely to talk to him when I’m in a mood like this, so now it’s perfectly all right for him to be in my company. Well, this time your cheap little tactic won’t work. I hate to leave Keith stuck in the middle, but I’m not going to play this game of yours.
“I’m fine, Keith,” I tell him in as sweet and unassuming a manner as I can. “I just have to take care of something personal. If you’ll excuse me?”
He doesn’t look satisfied with my answer, but he nods anyway. “Sure, Princess. Sorry to bother you.” He turns and heads back toward the meeting hall, pausing once to look over his shoulder at me before he re-enters the room. I give a heavy sigh and go my own way.
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To Allura's New Groove: Part 2 |