Lion Tales, Chapter 15 - Operation Cheesecake

When Tasia finds out that Team One is getting chessecake and Team Two isn't, the result is war.

This story was my response to a cheesecake thread that was going through the KAEX mailing list at the time.  It also had a few other innuendos sprinkled through it, but for a lot of them you'd have to be an old-time KAEX'er, since the references point to many of the Voltron fan-fics written by other authors that I've read while being part of that list. The story can still be enjoyed as is, though, even if you aren't familiar with those fics.
To Operation Cheesecake: Part 1
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Lion Tales is Copyright © 2000 Guatemala Joe Studios.
"Voltron, Defender of the Universe" and its characters are ©1984 World Events Productions, Ltd.  This story is for entertainment purposes only.
E-mail: Zejan the Wonder Monkey